pH Formula Pre and Post Treatment Advice


Do I need to prepare my skin?

We recommend for the best results you prepare your skin with pHformula homecare products for two weeks before your first treatment. This will enhance your overall results and allows you to get used to the products in the stronger resurfacing serums.

Alternatively, you can book in for your first treatment when we will perform a Vitamin C Radiance treatment,  a skin sensitivity test and a mask treatment. We will then start you on a skin resurfacing homecare kit that contains the fundamental products to optimise your results in further treatments and also maintain the best possible results during the treatment programme.

Whichever approach you prefer we still recommend a full consultation prior to treatment to make sure that you do not have any medical conditions that will affect the treatment. We can arrange this over the phone, by video or face to face.

pH Formula After Care

pHformula homecare products can be used to assist the healing processes after treatment.

You should also ensure you apply a factor 50 SPF for 5-10 days following treatment when your skin will be more sensitive to UVA and UVB damage.

pH Formula Skin Resurfacing is contraindicated if:

You are pregnant or breastfeeding.

You have a history of keloid scarring, scleroderma, collagen vascular disease or other cardiac abnormalities, and haemorrhagic disorders

Have an active fungal, viral or bacterial infection in the

If you do have a history of cold sores it is recommended that you use Zovirax or Acyclovir a week pre and post-treatment.

pH Formula Treatments After Care

Do Not

  • Rub the skin aggressively or use a mechanical scrub.
  • Pick flaking or peeling skin, as this can cause scarring.


  • Exercise for 24-72 hours post-peel, depending on the strength of the treatment.
  • Steam treatments and applying hot water to the skin for 3-10 days depending on your skin sensitivity.
  • Waxing and the use of depilatories for 3-5 days post peel.
  • Radiofrequency Treatments for 14 days.
  • Laser Treatments and microdermabrasion for 3 weeks post peel.
  • Swimming and saunas for at least 7 days depending on your skin sensitivity.


  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser
  • Use your pH Formula product as advised by your Aesthetician
  • Avoid strong products with active ingredients that could irritate the skin for 2-3days.
  • Use a good SPF of 50+ every day while in a sunny climate.
  • Avoid the use of sunbeds.


Please use your aftercare products they are very important in the skin resurfacing process. They work in harmony with your treatments and have a very important effect on your results.

You may gently apply mineral make-up post-treatment, alternatively, you can apply cosmetic make-up 24 hours post-treatment

Side Effects:

Side effects are rare and usually mild in nature,

They are usually due to the resurfacing serums and include :

  • Itching due to  the regeneration of new skin cells
  • Flaking due to the shedding of old skin
  • Occasional redness
  • Occasional irritation

If you experience any significant irritation or any other problems please contact for advice as soon as you can.