Podiatry Prices

Samantha Hatton PodiatrySamantha Hatton podiatrist Cheshire

First appointment and treatment £52
General podiatry treatment £41
Diabetes foot screening and treatment £52
Verruca Treatments (available after the initial appointment)
Acid-based verruca treatments From £35
Nail Surgery From £350
Dressing change £31 available after initial appointment
Fungal Nail Treatment and Testing
Lacuna method (After initial assessment appointment ) From £42 / treatment
Five Minute Fungal Nail Test £40 plus consultation/treatment fee.
Home visits £50 ( more if > 6 miles from Clinic)

To Book an Appointment:

Ring Cheshire Lasers on 1606 841255 or book appointments online here:


Book an appointment with Cheshire Lasers

For home visits or to discuss your condition before booking contact Samantha Hatton direct by

Telephone: 07748712399

Email: professionalfootcare@gmail.com